Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom King Abdualziz and King Faisal essay
buy custom King Abdualziz and King Faisal essay King Abdualziz and his son King Faisal established the strong western diplomatic ties that still exist today. During their reigns the Arabic world went through turbulent periods with the western countries, but the Saudi kingdom remained a steadfast friend to the west, a trend that has been maintained decades later. King Abdualziz had a knack for frank simple discussions as opposed to diplomatic niceties. This earned him a lot of respect not only in the kingdom but also throughout the western world. His son may not have shared his fathers simplicity, but he was an innovative leader interested in seeing the Saudi kingdom modernized. This implied he had to maintain strong ties his father fostered with the western countries in order to take advantage of the technological advances. Both leaders maintained strong believe in their Bedouin culture and the Islamic religion .However, this did not limit their vision and understanding that western forms of education were the key ingredients in d riving the state towards modernization. Thus they established higher education institutions modeled to the western education systems and sponsored to students to undertake further education abroad. King Abdualziz had no formal education but he oversaw the sophisticated transformation of Saudi state from war torn territory. He laid the foundation steps that enabled the kingdom rise in terms of economic prosperity and infrastructure modernization. King Abdualziz helped rebuild the Saudi state by retaking the territory through a series of successful campaigns that saw him emerge as a courageous and daring fighter. This was before declaring Saudi Arabia a kingdom in 1932, and taking the reigns as the leader. The state was fragmented into many factions, headed by different tribal leaders. One of his greatest achievements was, therefore, to unify the warring factions and turn the territory into a unified kingdom. He was also responsible for establishing the administration infrastructure that helped the Saudi Arabian kingdom rise to its current successful state. Among his many qualities that made this possible was his courage, charisma and daring bravado that saw him start a successfu l campaign to retake the state with a force of less than one hundred men.King Abdualziz also embarked on rebuilding the kingdoms army from a handful of untrained men into a formidable force that saw it retake the former states territory and reclaim more surrounding areas. This implied that he had to turn to the British for weapons and cash beginning the states relationship with the western powers. His ambitions were to turn the Arabia peninsula into one territory under his rule (Wynbrandt, 2010). These plans failed since he had to rely on Britishs help to arm his forces and for financial resources, and his ambitions did not align with their interest. He was, however, able to cultivate mutually beneficial relationship with the British that saw him ge the resources to train and arm his forces. The 1865 war with Ottomans Empire left the Saudi state in fragmented factions with no administration infrastructure or territorial borders. King Abdualziz had to rebuild the Saudi kingdom from the ground by uniting the existing fragmented factions and reestablishing the territorial borders (Wynbrandt, 2010). Therefore, among the biggest political problems that King Abdualziz had to contend with was lack of territorial borders for his kingdom. He had to fight a series of wars in order to reclaim the Saudi territory. In addition to this, since there was no legitimate government that was left after the war to governing the area, he had to establish the administration infrastructure for the kingdom from scratch. In other words, there were no established administration structures, governing the territory. Thus, the kingdom had to be established from the ground. This meant that the kingdom had no resources, since there was no government and oil was not yet discovered. This meant that there was no money to buy weapons for his forces, and he had to rely on help from other empires such as the British. Before the establishment of the Saudi Arabia kingdom, the territory was under different tribal factions. This, therefore, meant that the kingdom lacked a common unifying administration. The major social problem that King Abdualziz faced was lack of established social infrastructure and institutions for his citizens. In order to establish this, King Abdualziz faced a lot of resistance from the different warring tribal leaders as well as their people, who wanted the status quo maintained. Their state had no basic infrastructure such as transportation networks, communication or institutions. From 1932 up to the end of his rule in 1953, King Abdualziz helped to establish all these basic development pre-requisites. He declared the Quran as the new constitution for the kingdom (Chalcraft, 2010). He established transportation networks, communication, administration institutions, agriculture and modern technology among many developing projects. The diplomatic ties with the western countries saw British and American companies licensed to explore oil in the kingdom, since they had the technology. It was during his tenure that Israel was annexed from the Palestinian territory. Saudi kingdom, unlike the most Arabic states, at the time did not sever its ties with the western nations. He was, therefore, considered by the west as a voice of peace in the region. By declaring the Quran as the constitution for the kingdom, King Abdualziz established Saudi Arabia as an Islamic state. His rule was, therefore, governed by the Islamic principle, as stipulated in the Quran. However, Saudi Arabia, unlike her Arabic neighbors, such as Iran, Iraq and Turkey was less radical in application of the Islamic rule (Chalcraft, 2010). The kings Islamic rule was moderate, and was considered a just, honest leader of high integrity who kept his word (Kechichian, 2001). Although the king was also considered to be responsive to his citizens problems, most of the oil revenues ended up in his family coffers. This ended up making his family one of the wealthiest in the world. King Faisals rule saw the establishment of economic development plans that were seen as most responsible for the rapid economic growth that saw the kingdom rise to prominence. King Faisal, like his father, was strong and adherent of the Bedouin culture. He served as a minister in his fathers government and under the reign of his elder brother. This implies that by the time he took leadership, he was experienced in matters of the kingdom. Like his father, he maintained the western diplomatic ties, although he was a strong supporter of the Islamic ties. In addition, he also embraced modernization despite his strong ties with traditions; a factor that helped the kingdom become industrialized and developed rapidly. He oversaw the establishment of the first girls school in the kingdom, and an Islamic organization that was tasked with strengthening ties with other Islamic countries. He was also a strong believer in education and his government continued to put education on the forefront of their development agenda. During his leadership, the Arabic region was rocked by a number of wars with Israel and King Faisalstrongly advocated for peaceful resolutions to the arising issues in the region (Kechichian, 2001). He, however, is considered responsible for the 1971 world energy crisis for withdrawing Saudi Arabia oil from the world market; causing the world prices to drastically increase. He was strongly committed to the interest of Saudi Arabia, and those of the Arabic region. Unlike his father, however, King Faisal had resources to develop the kingdom since oil was already discovered, and the state had a lot of resources from the oil revenues. CONCLUSION King Abdualziz leadership and that of his son King Faisal had several similarities that include both leaders, embracing technology development. During his tenure, King Abdualziz laid the foundation for modernization of Saudi kingdom from a failed state, and his son oversaw his fathers development agenda prosper. During his reign, he established strong ties with the western countries that grew even stronger during his sons reign. These are some of the factors that have seen Saudi Arabia prosper into a modern moderate state. In addition they were both strong advocates of Arabic unity and sponsored organizations to further these interests. In the process they gained the respect and years of the regions leaders and people ensuring that Saudis weigh on Arabic affairs become crucial and influential. This implies that the two leaders were strong allies of the western countries. Buy custom King Abdualziz and King Faisal essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Difference Between Celsius and Centigrade
Difference Between Celsius and Centigrade Depending on how old you are, you might read 38à °C as 38 degrees Celsius or 38 degrees centigrade. Why are there two names for à °C and whats the difference? Heres the answer: Celsius and centigrade are two names for essentially the same temperature scale (with slight differences). The centigrade scale is divided into degrees based on dividing the temperature between which water freezes and boils into 100 equal gradients or degrees. The word centigrade comes from centi- for 100 and grade for gradients. The centigrade scale was introduced in 1744 and remained the primary scale of temperature until 1948. In 1948 the CGPM (Conference General des Poids et Measures) decided to standardize several units of measurement, including the temperature scale. Since the grade was in use as a unit (including the centigrade), a new name was chosen for the temperature scale: Celsius. Key Takeaways: Celsius vs. Centigrade The Celsius scale is a type of centigrade scale.A centigrade scale has 100 degrees between the freezing and boiling points of water.The original Celsius scale actually had a boiling point of 0 degrees and freezing point of 100 degrees. It ran in the opposite direction of the modern scale! The Celsius scale remains a centigrade scale in which there are 100 degrees from the freezing point (0à °C) and boiling point (100à °C) of water, though the size of the degree has been more precisely defined. A degree Celsius (or a Kelvin) is what you get when divide the thermodynamic range between absolute zero and the triple point of a specific type of water into 273.16 equal parts. There is a 0.01à °C difference between the triple point of water and the freezing point of water at standard pressure. Interesting Facts About Celsius and Centigrade The temperature scale created by Anders Celsius in 1742 was actually the reverse of the modern Celsius scale. Celsius original scale had water boil at 0 degrees and freeze at 100 degrees. Jean-Pierre Christin independently proposed at a temperature scale with zero at the freezing point of water and 100 was the boiling point (1743). Celsius original scale was reversed by Carolus Linnaeus in 1744, the year in which Celsius died. The centigrade scale was confusing because centigrade was also the Spanish and French term for a unit of angular measurement equal to 1/100 of a right angle. When the scale was extended from 0 to 100 degrees for temperature, centigrade was more properly hectograde. The public was largely unaffected by the confusion. Even though the degree Celsius was adopted by international committees in 1948, weather forecasts issued by the BBC continued to use degrees centigrade until February 1985!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ethical issues relating to fire investigation Essay
Ethical issues relating to fire investigation - Essay Example Unfortunately, this can usually imperil important physical evidence (Lentini 2006). It is hence vital that emergency services members are knowledgeable of, and employ, methods which are not merely effective, but deter unethical damage to the people, surroundings, and structure. This essay will discuss the ethics of fire and explosion investigation with regard to security of the scene, health and safety concerns, scene recording, and some other methods of forensic investigation. Once a scene has been secured, the investigation of proofs of cause can begin (Daeid 2004). This can range from a fairly easy undertaking where the damage or the larger scene is minimal, to the most difficult challenge requiring separating apparatus, larger numbers of investigators, examining grids, etc (Daeid 2004). In an explosion incident, the secured area should consist of both the main recovery area and the defence zone (Zonderman 1999). The main recovery area will extend to the point of the outermost projected point or portion of fire damage, whilst the defence zone should go beyond this expanse by one half, so as to facilitate preliminary underestimation and to restrain the possibility of removal of, or damage to, physical evidence (Horswell 2004). In a number of cases, specifically where there are directional features to the explosion, the secured zone may not be circular (Pepper 2005). Furthermore, it may be necessary in several situations, to restrict the size of the buffer area or to lessen it at certain points (Horswell 2004). For instance, this may be reasonable if a slight decrease in the buffer area would facilitate the operation of a railway line or where the impacts of the fire have been somewhat limited in a structure. In the instances of fires, the limits to the scene are fairly simpler to delineate (Horswell 2004). For fires in buildings, the whole structure should be protected because proofs of minor fires or deactivated ââ¬Ëtime-delay ignition
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Negotiations - hypothetical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Negotiations - hypothetical analysis - Essay Example It is back-and-forth communication designed to reach an agreement when you and the other side have some interests that are shared and others that are opposed.â⬠Since there are two or more parties to a negotiation, the common belief is that one must win and the other has to lose. In this internet age, impacted by materialistic civilization, this approach will not hold good. The settlement arrived through good negotiations leads to a win-win situation, where all are winners. The author has articulated a simple and straightforward five-step system that covers the important aspect of negotiations and explains how to go about it in the practical world. The five concepts of negotiations chartered by Roger Fisher that I will put into practice to resolve the issue related to the three girl students (swimmers) are: 1. Donââ¬â¢t bargain over positions They call me "spineless" "heartless" "incompetent" and "lazy" in the third meeting. They also say "We've heard about you. We know that you got this job because two other school districts fired you for incompetence." I am not interested in contesting their claims. When an individual is angry, one says so many things which one actually doesnââ¬â¢t mean! By their verbal slangs, no damage is done to my approach and it is unlikely to change my working style. Try to understand the meanings of the words of their outburst. They have no connectivity. I will not argue with them on the issue for the present. Every argument has a counter argument, but that will not lead to solution. That two other school districts fired me for my incompetence is an incorrect statement. That they fired me is a fact; but that was due to differences as for my conciliatory approach to certain issues related to the students. That the management of the school where I am at present working is aware of the facts related to the cases, and yet they have appointed me as the Principal. They must be having their own reasons for having engaged me. My per spective of running the school administration meets with their approval. I do not believe in giving instant, harsh punishments to the students. I am supposed to look after an academic institution, not a military establishment, to take summary decisions. 2. Separate the people from the problem I would advise the parents of the bullied girl, to keep a low profile for the time being, in the overall interest of all concerned. This issue is going to be resolved, but not on their drastic terms. Expulsion is a serious step that leaves highly unpleasant consequences. It affects the future of the children, damages their psychology, and they may find it difficult to face the societal reactions. Expulsions are often challenged in the court of law, and an academic institution would like to avoid legal hassles, as far as possible. I love my student; she is like my daughter, as much as you love your daughter. Expulsion is the permanent black spot in the academic career of a student and it must be avoided at all costs. 3. Focus on interests, not positions My interest, as the Principal of the school, is to maintain the overall cordial atmosphere in the school, not the interest of just 2-3 students. I now propose to invite to the school the parents of the two students, who allegedly bullied the daughter of the parents who are the complainants. Bullying is a common trend amongst the students though, and in the present case jealousy, that the bullied girl is a superior swimmer is the root cause of the problem. I will also request the college swimming coach to counsel them individually and collectively, and if the feud is not ended immediately, their swimming career may be at stake and they will be removed from the college swimming team. So, along with the reputation of the college, their
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Two Bildungsromans in One Story Essay Example for Free
Two Bildungsromans in One Story Essay In Harper Leeââ¬â¢s To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem Finch become more cultured and mature young-adults by experiencing different events. Scout became more lady-like when she observed and helped Calpurnia at her Aunt Alexandraââ¬â¢s brunch. Jem learned from Atticus and Miss Maudie that you should not take pride in your talents. Jem and Scout Finch became more adult-like and mature young people by experiencing different events. It begins with Scout sitting in on her Aunt Alexandraââ¬â¢s missionary brunch. Scout Finch became more lady-like when she observed and helped out at her Aunt Alexandraââ¬â¢s brunch. Scout saw that Calpurnia was doing everything, so she asked if Cal needed any help. ââ¬Ëââ¬Å"Can I help you Cal?ââ¬â¢ I asked, wishing to be of some service.â⬠(Lee 306). Even when Miss Stephanie Crawford asked Scout if she wanted to be a lawyer when she grew up, Scout stopped and thought for herself, rather than to please others. ââ¬Ëââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t you want to be a lawyer?â⬠Miss Maudieââ¬â¢s hand touched mine and I answered mildly enough, ââ¬ËNome, just a lady.â⬠ââ¬â¢ (Lee 308) Scout learned in this chapter how to be a lady, just as Jem over the course of chapters, learned how to be a gentleman. Jem learned from Atticus and Miss Maudie that a gentleman never takes pride in his talents. When Jem saw his father shoot a wandering mad dog dead-on, he realized something very important; a gentleman should never take pride in his talents. ââ¬Å"Jem became vaguely articulate: ââ¬ËD you see him, Scout? Dââ¬â¢ you see him just standinââ¬â¢ there?ââ¬â¢nââ¬â¢ all of a sudden he just relaxed all over, anââ¬â¢ it looked like that gun was a part of himâ⬠¦anââ¬â¢ he did it so quick, likeâ⬠¦I hafta aim for ten minutes ââ¬Ëfore I can hit somethinââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ (Lee 129). Miss Maudie had to explain to Jem why his father never told him about his talent in hunting. ââ¬Ëââ¬Å"People in their right minds never take pride in their talents,ââ¬â¢ said Miss Maudie.â⬠(Lee 130). Both Jem and Scout Finch had small, different realizations throughout the book. Both Jem and Scout Finch learned to become adults in their own different ways. With Scout, she figured out that if you want there to be change in the world, you canââ¬â¢t sit around and do nothing, you have to go out and get it, wherever you can. ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËJem, how can you hate Hitler so bad, anââ¬â¢ then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home-â⬠ââ¬â¢ (Lee 331). For Jem, growing up is more about facing the world for it is, and not what he wished it would be. ââ¬Å"Atticus said that Jem was trying hard to forget something, but what he was really doing was storing it away for a while, until enough time passed. Then he would be able to think about it and sort things out.â⬠(Lee 331). In Harper Leeââ¬â¢s To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem Finch became more informed, and mature young-adults by watching the examples set by their family, and the people who love them. Scout learned from Calpurnia that if you can help someone, then you should. Jem learned from Miss Maudie that people in their right minds never take pride in their talents. Even though they learn it by going through different events, they both come to the conclusion that to change the world, you must first change what is around you. Works Cited Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 1960. Print.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Revolt Of The Poor - The Demise Of Intellectual Property :: essays research papers
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/vaksam/">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Three years ago I published a book of short stories in Israel. The publishing house belongs to Israelââ¬â¢s leading (and exceedingly wealthy) newspaper. I signed a contract which stated that I am entitled to receive 8% of the income from the sales of the book after commissions payable to distributors, shops, etc. A few months later, I won the coveted Prize of the Ministry of Education (for short prose). The prize money (a few thousand DMs) was snatched by the publishing house on the legal grounds that all the money generated by the book belongs to them because they own the copyright. In the mythology generated by capitalism to pacify the masses, the myth of intellectual property stands out. It goes like this : if the rights to intellectual property were not defined and enforced, commercial entrepreneurs would not have taken on the risks associated with publishing books, recording records and preparing multimedia products. As a result, creative people will have suffered because they will have found no way to make their works accessible to the public. Ultimately, it is the public which pays the price of piracy, goes the refrain. But this is factually untrue. In the USA there is a very limited group of authors who actually live by their pen. Only select musicians eke out a living from their noisy vocation (most of them rock stars who own their labels ââ¬â George Michael had to fight Sony to do just that) and very few actors come close to deriving subsistence level income from their profession. All these can no longer be thought of as mostly creative people. Forced to defend thie intellectual property rights and the interests of Big Money, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Schwarzenegger and Grisham are businessmen at least as much as they are artists. Economically and rationally, we should expect that the costlier a work of art is to produce and the narrower its market ââ¬â the more its intellectual property rights will be emphasized. Consider a publishing house. A book which costs 50,000 DM to produce with a potential audience of 1000 purchasers (certain academic texts are like this) ââ¬â would have to be priced at a a minimum of 100 DM to recoup only the direct costs. If illegally copied (thereby shrinking the potential market ââ¬â some people will prefer to buy the cheaper illegal copies) ââ¬â its price would have to go up prohibitively, thus driving out potential buyers.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Pretense rather than Reality Turns Blanche Dubois
Pretense rather than Reality Turns Balance Dubious Desire into Devastation in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire By bouquet Research Paper Title: Pretense rather than Reality Turns Balance Dubious Desire into Devastation in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire Course Title: Research Paper and Viva Voce course code: ENG ââ¬â 426 Date of submission: 02. 05. 2013 Submitted by RMI Roy Erg. NO. 2008236032 4th Year 2nd Semester Department of English Shallot University of Science and Technology, Sylphs Submitted to DRP. Handmaid Seeker Roy Associate ProfessorThis Research Paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree B. A. (Honors) in English. Shallot University of Science and Technology, sylphs- 3114 (Signature of Supervisor) DRP. Handmaid Seeker Roy Associate Professor (Signature of Author) Declaration I hereby declare that, this research paper entitled ââ¬Å"Pretense rather than Reality Turns Balance Dubious Desire into Devastation in T ennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desireâ⬠is based on my own study under the guidance of my supervisor, DRP. Handmaid Seeker Roy, Associate Professor, Department of English, Shallot University f Science and Technology.I have prepared this paper in the form of Research Paper as partial fulfillment of the degree B. A. (Honors). I have neither taken any part of this paper directly from any other sources nor submitted any part of it or in full to any other institution or for the award of any degree. Acknowledgment First and foremost, I would like to thank my respectable supervisor DRP. Handmaid Seeker Roy who shared his ideas with me and offered his time and helpful comments during the stressful period. This work is a product of my sincere effort and my oppressor has certainly being a helping one in this regard.I am grateful to him for his invaluable guidance and co-operation. I should also thank my dearest friends who were always eager to assist me. I acknowledge my debt to all of the faculty members of my department for their contribution to my education and this work. 02 May, 2013. Into Pretense rather than Reality Turns Balance Dubious Desire Devastation in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Abstract In today's rough and tough world, there seems to be no room for failure. The pressure to succeed in life sometimes seems unreasonable. Others often set expectations for people too high.This forces that person to develop ways to take the stress and tension out of their lives in their own individual ways. In the play A Streetcar Named Desire written by Tennessee Williams, the main character Balance Dubious is incapable of living in the present and facing reality and that's why she takes lies and pretense as a defensive shield. Throughout the play she lives her life in illusion. An in-depth psychological study of this text will show that the final catastrophe of Blanches life is the outcome of her own lie and pretense.This paper ring the truth that Allan, S tella and Stanley pretense has a clear influence on Blanches devastation. Balance Dubious the protagonist of Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire is a fallen woman in society's eyes because of her numerous sexual liaisons. Losing her ancestral estate due to a foreclosed mortgage, losing her young husband to suicide years earlier and her Job,evicting from a motel, she seeks solace and refuge with her married sister Stella and her husband Stanley Kowalski who are living in New Orleans. She comes with her new desires leaving behind her licentious past.Pretentious Balance is disdainful of the cramped quarters of the Kowalski' two- room apartment and of the apartment's location in a noisy, diverse, working-class neighborhood. In the Kowalski household, Balance pretends to be a woman who has never known indignity. Her false propriety is not simply snobbery, however; it constitutes a calculated attempt to make herself appear attractive to new male. She always pretends to be a young lady despite crossing that period earlier. The raw and unrefined working class Stanley can not put up with her pretense.Stanley intense tater of Balance is motivated in part by the aristocratic past Balance represents. His view of life, stripped of illusion and artificiality, sees beneath the pretenses and disguises of others. He investigates Blanches past and very cruelly reveals it to Mitch with whom Balance is dreaming of her marriage. As a result Mitch leaves her. Later Stanley in a state of drunkenness rapes Balance. After doing all these Stanley goes back to his real life and pretends as if nothing has happened. Still Balance knows truth and reality.Until the very last scene Balance does not lose touch with reality. In the last scene Stella confesses to Eunice that she simply cannot allow herself to believe Blanches assertion that Stanley raped her. Stella pretends only to save her own married life. Finally Balance losing her grip on reality soon goes to an insane asylum, but Balance believes she is leaving to Join her millionaire. All her hopes and desires of a better life ends up here with her going to an mental hospital. The researcher wants to show that Blanches own pretense is responsible for her fall.Reality can be fearful to a pretender as truth can only be harmful to a liar. Reality as tough for her but not hard enough to lead to her insanity. If she had shown the mental strength of accepting reality without pretending, certainly her life would have been different. A Streetcar Named Desire is a 1947 play written by American playwright Tennessee Williams for which he received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1948. Multiple works and researches have been done on this famous drama by different critics. Alvin B.Korean presents A Streetcar Named Desire as Williams clearest treatment of the human dilemma which entails the dramatic dilemma. He offers in Streetcar two polar says of looking at experience: the realistic view of Stanley Kowalski and the eggn og- realistic view of his sister-in-law, Balance Dubious. Joseph N. Riddle showed A Streetcar Named Desire- Nietzsche Descending where Williams borrows from Nietzsche in great chunks, often undigested, using his sources with that liberal freedom that has become characteristic of the American artist in search of a theme.Again Leonard Bergman exemplifies traditional tragedy of A Streetcar Named Desire which enlist the array of forces emporal and eternal, comprehensible and beyond human ken- against which the heroic struggle must be waged. A Streetcar Named Desire is an inspired refutation of the linking of modern American drama with the common man. Balance Dubious was a troubled woman who throughout the play lives her life in illusions. To deal with the problems and hardships of her lives she retreats into her own separate world of illusion and lies.Balance says: gel don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, Magic! I try to give that to people. I misrepresent things to them. I don't tell the truth, I tell what ought to be the truth. Eh (Sc. 9 p. 204) . The story begins with Balance going to New Orleans to stay with her sister Stella, and her husband Stanley for a while. She describes her voyage: eighty told me to take a streetcar named Desire, and then transfer to one called Cemeteries and ride six blocks and get off at Elysian Fields(Sc. 1 p. 177). This Cheshire is the driving force, the vehicle of her voyage.This driving force encourages her to evade harsh reality and create an illusory world with her imagination. When Balance first appears in agelessly Fields, she is presented through her congruousness appearance: she is daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace ND earrings of pearl, white gloves and hate(Sc. 1 p. 1 17). In appearance, she is a glamorous, ladylike aristocrat, who is perhaps slightly nervous. She parades about the house as if she is a regal figure, wearing elegant gowns and delicate Jewelry.Balance likes to appear riche r than she really is, in a similar way to costume Jewelry emulating real gold or silver. Her reaction to Stellar apartment is somewhat shocking an its a part of her pretension: ego, left not going to be hypocritical, I'm going to be honestly critical about it! Explain this place to me! What are you doing in a place like this? H (SC. I p. 121) This reaction would be Justified if she had her previous high standards as a result of growing up in Belle Reeve, a great big place with white columns. Now she is a penniless woman with no place to live in.But her words to Stella shows that in her mind she is still living in her aristocratic world and unable to bear this common surrounding. She pretends to be someone very concerned with moral values and social reasoning. She does not want to be seen by the men before she powders herself. She hides behind a mask of manufactured beauty, struggling to stay attractive. She says: guy know I haven't put on one ounce in ten years, Stella? I weigh what I weighed the summer you left the Belle Revere (Sc. L p. 123). It seems that she believes she is still having the same glam-our as she had ten years earlier.Balance cannot seem to leave behind the moribund past of Belle Reeve and accept the sterile, modern New South of the Elysian Fields. Thus when Balance gets to New Orleans, she decides that in order to not reveal anything, she must create the illusions that she is happy and the reason she is there only because she's on vacation. This is so that nobody would think less of her. Even she lies to her loving sister Stella and hides the fact that she has lost her Job. gel was so exhausted by all left would been through my nerves broke. So Mr. graves is the superintendent ââ¬â he suggested I take a leave of absence (Sc. P. 122). Thus she conceals the truth so that no one can know her weaknesses. But such attempts only reveal her pretension and superficiality throughout the play. She says to Stella: Egypt don't you look at me, Stell a, no,no,no, not till later, not till leave bathed and rested! Looked at in this merciless glare! Eh And turn that light off I won't be (Sc. L p. 120). She tries to avoid bright light of any kind. Her reaction to light can be regarded as an attempt to hide her true nature as well as her vanishing beauty and youth. By hiding from the light, she tries to escape reality.She covers the naked light bulb with a Chinese paper lantern, saying, gel canine stand a naked light bulb, any more than I can a rude remark or a vulgar action (Sc. 3 p. 150). This remark shows that Balance would rather hide behind polite phrases than accept truth and reality. However her illusory world soon confronts with Stanley straightforwardness and honesty which seems to pose a strong threat towards Balance. Balance deceives everyone for a good portion of the play. Stanley does not enjoy agencies, he says that visage men are took in by this Hollywood glam-our stuff and some men are note(Sc. P. 137). As Balance Dub ious has created a sort of glass cube around herself, for protection, and people such as Stanley threaten to shatter that glass cube by learning her secrets. Swell, life is too full of evasions and ambiguities , I think. I like an artiste who paints in strong, bold colors, primary colors (Sc. 2 p. 137). She is denying her reality and urging for a life filled with all brightness and colors. In front of Stanley she pretends that she is not vulnerable. Pretension is her primary means of self-defense. She is not deceitful out of malice. But, Stanley does not buy into her facades.Stanley and Balance gradually become enemies. He starts questioning her and others about her last few years. Stanley continuously tries to discover her true history so that he can destroy her pretensions and let everyone know the real Balance. He does this because he is straightforward and doesn't like to be deceived. Stanley search ultimately explores the reasons of her pretensions. :What initially leads to her illusions is love. When she was young sixteen, . Made the discovery ââ¬â love All at once and much, much too completely (Sc. 6 p. 182). She met Allan Grey and fell in love.The young couple got married and, to Balance, were falling more and more in love, when one day coming into a room that I thought was empty (Sc. 6 p. 183), this illusion would be shattered. In this room she found her husband, Allan, and a older male friend of his. Allan Grey was gay. Allan was in fact a pretender himself, by trying to appear straight. At first, they tried to deny it but very soon the illusion was totally destroyed as Allan killed himself. From that moment she is afraid of reality and hides herself behind her pretentious world. But she forgets illusions honest last forever and pretensions must face truth someday.Balance came to Elysian Fields to forget her horrible past, and to have a fresh start . In fact Balance admits in the fourth scene that she wants to make herself a new life. Though she forgets, creation of happy life based on lies will soon be demolished with the blow of truth. After coming in New Orleans she meets a friend of Stanley, Mitch, and eventually she starts to think that maybe he is the one. Immediately, she realizes that, Mitch needs someone too. With Mitch she puts on the airs of a woman who has never known indignity. Although Balance was once a kind, normal, sweet girl, her very being has deteriorated.Now, all thefts left is what she struggles desperately to maintain on the outside. Balance thinks of Mitch as a future husband, and therefore she does not want him to know her past or her true age, and the best way to hide her age is to stay out of bright light where he could possibly see her wrinkles and fading youth in her face. However her deception soon brought into light by Stanley. Her promiscuity in laurel, sexual relations with anyone who agreed to it and finally her mistake of trying to seduce a 17 ââ¬â year old student of hers. While stayi ng in New Orleans she tries her best to forget her past and purify herself.She is always having baths so no one can see her dirty or tired. She is obsessed with bathing, though it doesn't t necessarily washes her dirty past. Her past catches up with her and destroys her relationship with Mitch. Mitch accuses her of lying and pretending. But she denies such accusation asserting that gender inside,' didn't lie in my hearted(Sc. P. 205). Suddenly everything begins to fall around Balance Just as quickly as she has built it. Mitch realizes that Balance has been deceiving him and looks down on her true impure self. It is now that Balance completely unravels.Mitch leaves her and she is left all alone only with her broken illusions. This incident with Mitch makes Balance mentally and emotionally battered. Then Stanley comes to inflict more damage to her. Still then Balance is making stories about her supposed lovers (Sheep Hunting) to salvage her pride, pretend to play along with the charad e. He asks peculiar questions that force Balance to a point where she could no longer keep up her act. Then, to deliver the ultimate insult to Balance, Stanley brutally rapes her. This shock actually leads her to a permanent illusive world.Previously she used to lie with others but now she loses her touch with reality. Nobody is ready to accept her fairy tales anymore though this time she is telling the truth. Even Stella denies her truth. Stella tells Eunice: who replies: gel couldn't believe her story and go on living with Stanley', . Goon's ever believe tie Life has got to go on. No matter what happens, you've got to keep owingâ⬠(Sc. Al p. 217). Here it almost seems as though Stella is realizing what is reality and what is not. But she pretends to disbelieve Balance in order to avoid any kind of rift in married life.Thus Stella makes a conscious decision to believe Stanley instead of her sister because to do otherwise would be both emotionally and economically difficult wit h a new baby so she, too, is engaging in a measure of self-deception. Stanley is also revealed to be capable of deceit, he does not admit the truth of what happened between him and Balance to his friends, to Stella, and maybe not even to himself. Stellar deception shatters the least hope and strength of Balance. She is no more be capable of pulling herself to face the reality. Once she created this fantasy world to hide the hurts from her youth.But now she begins to fabricate lies so complex that even she believes them. All she ever desired was a good, clean life. What she acquired is complex enigmas buried in the deepest catacombs of her soul and an asylum, or psychiatric hospital to live with her own imagination and deceive none but herself. Finally Alliances shocking reality would not disturb Blanches life so much if he had never pretended to be straight. Balance felt she could evade reality and live up with illusion. But that was not to happen because reality stays with people l ike shadows.Balance blurt the truth in front of Allan which results in the suicide of him. It messed up her life and she sank herself into an illusory world to get some relief. Her illusion gave her temporary relief but snatched the opportunity of real happiness. She lied to her sister who as a result denies to accept her truth at last. She thought of finding happiness and escaping sorrow by hiding herself under the roof of Mitchell love. She wished to be loved and supported by Mitch. But he hardly spent a peaceful moment with Mitch as she was always afraid of the revelation of her lies.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin
The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is an impressive literary piece that touches the readerââ¬â¢s feelings as well as the mind. Even thought that the story is short, it is very rich, complete, and it carries deep sense of meaning to everyone. It is also represented through a negative view of marriage with a woman that is not saddened by the death of her husband. It is a great view to read it carefully and pay attention to each and every word said in this story they are telling. This short story is trying to bring the meaning is not to believe everything that is told to you until it is seen with your own two eyes. This short story was very interesting to because it captured how the main character experienced in her life regarding something that not everyone has the luck to have the happiness of freedom, but it will only be understood at the end of the story. In the story Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble and her friends come over to break the news about her husbandââ¬â¢s death most gentle as possible. Most of the time with a story like that as the reader reads expects to be feeling sad and for a while they thought Mrs. Mallard wouldnââ¬â¢t be able to control herself from the pain of having her husband pass away. She understands the news and understands the news when the author shows it little by little on how she realizes it and what helps her to understand it. In one of the paragraphs it says ââ¬Å"She goes to the room and there stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair into this she sankâ⬠(Chopin, 1851-1904). This is a symbol of security and comfort even though h er husband died, the open window meaning the connection to another world. Mrs. Mallard ends up dying of joy that kills because she got to see her husband walk in after being told that he was killed. She dies from happiness of seeing her husband again and chooses rather to die than to live again under her husbandââ¬â¢s will after experiencing freedom. Irony as the ability to alter otherââ¬â¢s ideas about what might be expected and what things can really occur. Mrs. Mallard was very devastated and unable to think straight after hearing the news of the accident that had occurred with her husband. The only thing was she saw him alive and doing well. She prepared herself for her husbandââ¬â¢s death and grieving time, so that she can see him walking in the door. In this story formalist approach is used in this literary criticism on how it was developed. In our textbooks it states that ââ¬Å"Every writer chooses particular tools to create a presentation of something that exists in his or her imagination (Clugston, 2010). The setting of this story that makes it so memorable is that Mrs. Mallard is in her bedroom most of the time throughout this story getting ready for her to hear the bad news about her husband. There was a great surprise at the end of the story and it was that she was so shocked to know that her husband was alive and that nothing really happened to him. Mrs. Mallard with her heart condition and all was the one that got killed after a joy of killing. She thought she would have freedom even if it was just for one hour. After this hour passed it made her feel comfortable, happy, and free to make her understand a sense of her being. The story of an hour was long lived even if Mrs. Mallard only got to live an hour of her being free without her husband before she found out that he was alive. We should only believe what we see with our own two eyes before we start thinking that everything has happened. The bad news that Mrs. Mallard received was from other people that came to tell her about the accident, but really it wasnââ¬â¢t true because her husband appeared right through the front door. It really didnââ¬â¢t let her live that long after she was shocked with her husband being alive. She ends up feeling a sense of freedom, but it is a freedom that she is the one that ends up departing from this world.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How the Nervous System works and How Drugs Affect It essays
How the Nervous System works and How Drugs Affect It essays The nervous system is the control system and the network of communication for the body. All of our thoughts, and behavior can be traced to the activity of a neuron. A typical neuron has three important parts: first a cell body, second dendrites and last an axon. All three parts are important for our daily functions. Drugs however such as cocaine can alter these actions and have short and long term effects that arent always the best feeling. . The nervous system is made up of nerves, the spinal cord and the brain. The nerves control everything we do; they carry messages that tell us to move, to breathe, to feel and to think. Nerves run to the muscles, organs, heart, lungs, blood vessels, brain-even to our teeth and skin. Neurons are the specialized cells that conduct impulses through the nervous system. There are about 100 billion neurons in just the brain. A neuron has three parts that make it up, a cell body, which carries metabolic functions, dendrites being branched fibers which are the primary receivers of the impulses from other neurons, and axons that are slender tail like extensions that are the transmitting end that sprouts into many braches each ending in an axon terminal. Axon terminals are what transmits signals to the dendrites or cell bodies of other neurons, muscles, glands and so forth. Amazingly the billions of neurons are not physically connected. The way the neurons communicate is possible because of the synapse. The synapse is where the axon of a sending neuron joins the receiving neuron across the synaptic cleft. All neurons travel by being fired by biological electricity, because the body has ions that have positive and negative charges. Neurons that are negative charged are not firing which is called resting potential. When the reversal of resting potential occurs the neuron fires, this is called action potential. The action potential operates according to the all or ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Carboxyl Group Definition and Examples in Chemistry
Carboxyl Group Definition and Examples in Chemistry Carboxyl group definition: The carboxyl group is an organic functional group consisting of a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom and single bonded to a hydroxyl group. Another way to view it is as a carbonyl group (CO)that has a hydroxyl group (O-H) attached to the carbon atom. The carboxyl group is commonly written as -C(O)OH or -COOH. Carboxyl groups ionize by releasing the hydrogen atom from the -OH group. The H, which is a free proton, is released. Thus, carboxyl groups make good acids. When hydrogen leaves, the oxygen atom has a negative charge, which it shares with the second oxygen atom in the group, allowing the carboxyl to remain stable even when oxidized. Also known as: The carboxyl group is sometimes referred to as the carboxy group, carboxyl functional group, or carboxyl radical. Carboxyl Group Example Probably the best-known example of a molecule with a carboxyl group is carboxylic acid. The general formula of carboxylic acid is R-C(O)OH, where R is any number of chemical species. Carboxylic acids are found in acetic acid and the amino acids that are used to build proteins. Because the hydrogen ion detaches so readily, the molecule is most commonly found as a carboxylate anion, R-COO-. The anion is named using the suffix -ate. For example, acetic acid (a carboxylic acid) becomes the acetate ion.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Management Organisational Design and change Essay
Management Organisational Design and change - Essay Example A summary of the main points discussed will be given in the conclusion at the end of the paper. 1. Basically, strategic planning can be defined as the process of attempting to strike a balance between the organisationââ¬â¢s objectives and resources and its changing opportunities (Mintzberg, 2000). It tries to set the direction for the use of all resources and this direction will remain valid for a period of time. As such, analysing scenarios and using them as a strategic planning tool is beneficial for planners to rank them and attempt to identify commonness in possible futures and potential pathways. Thus, scenario review involves engaging in a systematic conjecture concerning potential futures and is mainly based on scanning the environment in which the organisation operates, interpreting signals and making predictions about what might happen next. This allows the organisation to be better positioned to formulate ideal strategies that can be implemented to meet the changing dema nds of the environment in which the organisation operates. It is important for the planners to rank these scenarios given that they often differ in their order of importance. Some scenarios would require immediate actions while others would require long term plans. It is also important for the planners to identify the commonness of these scenarios in possible futures and potential pathways so as to enable them to ensure that they do not waste resources on scenarios which would otherwise require the same strategy to be solved. The planners have to first identify the scenario then followed by choosing the appropriate pathway that can be taken to fulfil the strategy. Pertinent scenarios to the organisation are often given priority and it is the duty of the planner to anticipate the intended destination of the strategy to be implemented. 2. Strategic drift is a scenario that is witnessed when a strategy manager has failed to monitor and keep pace with its changing external environment. There are certain issues for managers when they prevent strategic drift and some of them involve the following: establishing the capacity of the organisation to make the strategy happen, availability of resources as well as fear for worsening the situation. The environment in which organisations operate is dynamic and at times, unprecedented scenarios which are unfavorable to the organisation may emerge the reason why managers ought to prevent such issues from happening (Kleynhans et al 2007). In most cases, the managers prevent strategic drift by weighing their capability of making the strategy happen. Indeed, there may be changes in the external environment and it is the role of the strategy managers to ensure that the organisation has the capability to meet these changes. In order to prevent strategic drift, the managers ought to deploy strategic decisions that will ensure that the organisation may remain viable in the face of changing environment so as to be able to be better po sitioned to keep pace with the changes. The availability of resources and time may be the other issues for the managers when preventing strategic drift. It is the duty of the manager to ensure that they channel adequate resources that enable them to monitor the environment to avoid
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