Thursday, May 9, 2019

High Pump Prices Oil Demand and Supply Factors Essay

High Pump Prices Oil Demand and generate Factors - Essay ExampleThe upward excite in the demand curve (D1 to D2) results from the increase in bumpy demand due to seasonal factors. As cited in the article, February is commonly slated for refinery maintenance. As such, decline in gasolene stockpiles occurs with refinery production slowing down. Ceteris paribus, a higher equilibrium point E2 is seen.The above graph also exhibits no shift in the supply curve S. This assumption is derived from the advisory of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), a powerful cartel of major oil producers, that they would keep current output restrictions in place. In this regard, no additional supply may be expected to offset the increase in demand, thus, increasing pugnacious price.Another case of supply and demand schedules interesting to analyze is the declining oil prices in the world mart at the onset of 2007 (Ghatous 2007). Last year, oil price hovered at around $60-65 per bar rel. With OPEC aiming to maximize its earnings, the cartel obstinate to reduce supply. However, oil price continued to slide despite the supply cut. This could be explained using graphical record 2 below.Assuming an initial equilibrium price and total of $60 per barrel and 52 jillion barrels, respectively, an upward shift of the supply curve (from S1 to S2) due to the OPEC supply cut would cause an upward dejection in the oil price. However, the supply shift was accompanied by a greater downward shift in the demand curve (from D1 to D2). The downtrend in demand resulted from the warmer than expected winter season in the US. With this, there is lesser demand for oil used for heating. Given the simultaneous shift in some(prenominal) supply and demand curves, equilibrium point E2 is reached with a lower price of $58 per barrel and quantity of 52 million barrels.ReferencesArticlesGhatous, G. (2007). OPEC concerned about price, to act if needed. Reuters. Accessed 14 March 2007 from http// Valdmanis, R. (2007). Oil rises on US fuel draw, eyes on OPEC. Reuters. Accessed 14 March 2007 from http// BooksSamuelson, P.A. and W.D. Nordhaus. (2001). Economics 17th Ed. McGraw-Hill.Sayre, J.E. and A.J. Morris. (2004). Principles of Microeconomics quaternary Ed.

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