Saturday, May 18, 2019

Nursing Care Plan and Specimens Essay

Quality is a broad term that encompasses various aspects of care for care (Montolvo, 2007). The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators NDNQI is the only national nursing database that provides quarterly and annual insurance coverage of structure, process, and outcome indicators to evaluate nursing care at the whole level (Montolvo, 2007). Nursings foundational principles and guidelines discover that as a profession, nursing has a responsibility to measure, evaluate, and improve practice (Montolvo, 2007). The purpose of this paper is to try out the mislabeled type indicator for an in forbearing rehab unit and devise an action plan based on best practices to drop-off the incidence of mislabeled precedents. Analysis of the data match to Dock, (2005) accurate archetype assignment is a challenge in all hospitals and medical facilities. Ensuring that specimens are correctly identified at the extremum of assemblage is essential for accurate diagnostic information (Dock, 2005). A mislabeled specimen can trail to devastating consequences for a patient role (Dock, 2005). Specimen misidentification can be serious, resulting in misdiagnosis and mistreatment (Dock, 2005). For the second quarter of FY09, the rehab unit met their target of zero mislabeled specimens. The third quarter yielded two actual mislabeled specimens with a air division of two. The fourth quarter actual was unrivalled with a variance of one. The first quarter FY10 showed an actual of one and variance of one. For the FY09 the rehab had a total of four mislabeled specimens. This indicator was chosen because of the magnitude of this medical error. Nurses, administrators and research lab personnel must collaborate and create ways to decrease the mislabeling of specimens.Nursing planNursing hitchs to decrease the number of mislabeled specimens and improve actual indicator scores are 1) Ensuring proper identification of patient 2) The use of electronic technology and 3) Bedside labeli ng. Each of these interventions will positively impact patient outcomes and reduce errors. According to The joint Commission TJC, proper patient identification is best practice for decreasing mislabeled specimens (The Joint Commission as cited by Sims, 2010). National uncomplaining Safety Goal NPSG, 01.01.01 states that health care providers should use at least two identifiers to identify patients. For example, the patients full name and date of birth is utilize to properly identify a patient (The Joint Commission, 2014). According to Kim et al., (2013), developing a standardized specimen handling system has the potential to reduce errors. Figure 1. Steps to properly identifying a patient for specimen collection.Figure 1. Essential specimen handling steps. Blue items are physician-specific responsibilities pink items are nursing staff-specific responsibilities. capable from Standardized Patient Identification and Specimen Labeling A Retrospective Analysis on Improving Patient Sa fety, by Kim JK Dotson B Thomas S Nelson KC Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2013 Jan 68 (1) 53-6. The self-colouredest intervention to reduce labeling errors is the addition of barcode technology (Brown, Smith & Sherfy, 2011). The use of automated patient identification and specimen collection techniques can be an additional safety net for routines that are vulnerable to error, especially when coupled with strong systems designs (Brown et al., 2011).Brown et al (2011), found that the clinical applications of electronic and information technology support can tending in the identification, control, and reduction of error rates throughout the process. According to the World Health Organization WHO healthcare providers should encourage the labeling containers used for blood and other specimens in the presence of the patient (World Health Organization, 2007). This would suggest labeling specimens at the patients bedside or before leaving the room. Nurses should never la bel specimens before collection as this could lead to serious errors. SummaryIn summary, NDNQI indicators serve as a schoolmaster that holds nursing responsible to practice. An analysis of mislabeled specimens, found that an inpatient unit had a total of four incidents for FY09. While this does not seem like a great deal of errors, any one error could have prejudicious consequences. The plan of action based on best practices is to properly identify the patient, using electronic technology, and labeling specimens at the bedside.ReferencesBrown, J.E., Smith, N., Sherfy, B.R., (2011). Decreasing mislabeled laboratory specimens using barcode technology and bedside printers. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, (26)1, 13-21. Retrieved from http// expression&issn=10573631&title=Journal%20of%20Nursing%20Care%20Quality&volume=26&issue=1&date=201101 Dock, B. (2005). Improving the accuracy of specimen labeling. Clinical Laboratory Science, 18(4), 210-2. Retrieved from http// Kim J.K., Dotson B Thomas S Nelson KC Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2013 Jan 68 (1) 53-6. Retrieved from ent%20identification%20and%20specimen%20labeling%3A%20A%20retrospective%20analysis%20on%20improving%20patient%20safety.&spage=53&sid=EBSCOrzh&pid=Montalvo, I. (2007). The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI). Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing, 12(3). Retrieved from http// Sims, M. (2010). The Joint Commission clarifies key compliance issues. MLO Medical Laboratory Observer, 42(4), 72. Retrieved from http// The Joint Commission, (2014). National patient safety goals. Retrieved from http//w World Health Organization. (2007). Patient safety solutions. Retrieved from http//

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